Debt Collection & Recovery Service Provider
A debt collection and recovery service provider is Marco Express Pvt. Ltd. that specializes in helping businesses and creditors collect unpaid debts from individuals or other businesses who owe them money. Debt collection agencies are typically hired by creditors, such as banks, credit card companies, medical facilities, utility companies, and small businesses, to recover outstanding debts on their behalf.
It's important to note that while debt collection agencies play a role in the financial industry, their practices are subject to stringent regulations designed to protect consumers from harassment, deception, or unfair treatment. These regulations vary by country and region.
Businesses and creditors often hire debt collection and recovery service providers to help them recover outstanding debts efficiently and professionally while ensuring compliance with legal requirements. Debtors, on the other hand, have rights and protections under the law, including the right to dispute debts and request validation of the debt's legitimacy.
Here are key aspects of debt collection and recovery service providers: